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What our Clients are saying



Learn how to take control and start your journey to renewed skin and feeling great.

Arrange an appointment today.

 *Individual results may vary.

Hi GSC, I just wanted to write and tell you how much you have done to give me my life back.  


My wife worked for a dermatologist who shall remain anonymous but specialised in psoriasis and she has never seen psoriasis go from what it was which was over a great majority of my body, to what is really, a complete cure.


I am one very happy man who feels a million dollars. I now go swimming which I haven't done for so long because I was too embarrassed, I have lost 2 trouser sizes in weight with the diet which at first I didn't think I would adapt to, but now love it as I feel so good.


I recommend anyone with psoriasis to try your regime as IT REALLY DOES WORK and I would be more than happy to talk to anyone who is considering it.


 Thank you so much.




Gold Coast



These photos are of my 8 year old daughter. She has had psoriasis for 4 years and it had been worsening to the stage that you see on these photos. I had taken her to one Paediatric doctor, two dermatologists, and three GPs. She was prescribed toxic oral tablets, and toxic skin creams all to which we tried with a hope of alleviation of the symptoms but with no improvement and only a steady worsening of her condition. When we were at our wits end we saw an ad on TV for the 'Psoriasis and skin clinic' and within 6 weeks of our first visit had started on a road to recovery. Within 3 months she was almost clear of her symptoms, and this was all with the use of natural creams and tablets and a change in her diet. She is now able to go swimming without getting sneered at by other children OR their parents and there are no more nasty comments at school. She is much happier in herself and much more confident. Thank you so much to the team at Good Skin Care by Psoriasis and Skin Clinic."




Gold Coast

I was diagnosed with psoriasis at age 21.

After going to naturopath, dermatologists, acupuncture, doctors and many websites  nothing seemed to help. I became even more frustrated and stressed. A friend recommended me the Psoriasis and skin specialist that was advertised in a newspaper.

From the first phone conversation I immediately felt comfortable and confident that Good Skin Clinic would be able to cure my condition. After being treated for only 2 weeks I could already see positive changes. I had psoriasis over my entire body and after 1.5 months of treatment my back and arms were clearing if not in most places gone, after 3 months my back, stomach. chest and arms  were cleared.

I would recommend Good Skin Clinic 100% to anyone. Thank you so much to you both for your time, patience and treatment"


Hellen  Qld 

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