My 8 year old daughter had psoriasis for 4 years and it had been worsening...I had taken her to a paediatrician, two dermatologists, and three GPs. She was prescribed multiple oral and topical medications, all of which we tried with hope but no improvement; only a steady worsening of her condition. When we were at our wits end we saw an ad for Good Skin Clinic and within 6 weeks had started on a road to recovery. Within 3 months she was almost clear of her symptoms, and this was all with the use of natural creams and tablets and a change in her diet. She is now able to go swimming without getting sneered at by other children OR their parents and there are no more nasty comments at school. She is much happier in herself and much more confident. Thank you so much
Karina H
Gold Coast
Psoriasis is a serious and often debilitating autoimmune disease, both physically and mentally. It has the highest incidence of suicide of any disease. Many patients have heard the words that “Psoriasis is incurable and you need to learn to live with it, because nothing can be done for this disease”. Too many of our patients are in despair. The resulting positive changes to this skin disorder achieved by our patients are exceptional in 90% of cases and deserve the accolades attributed to our highly effective protocols.
The before and after pictures included are clear evidence for the outstanding contribution that the Good Skin Clinic is making, in teaching the secrets to unlocking the body's own ability for resolving this serious skin disease.
FAQs patients commonly want answered:
What are the causes of Psoriasis?
How to get rid of psoriasis?
What are the best creams for Psoriasis?
Why are Strep infections problematic in Psoriasis patients?
We try to answer all of your questions during your consultation to empower you with the knowledge required to give you the best results possible.
Psoriasis symptoms include a red, dry, scaly, itchy skin rash, with well defined borders.
Triggers for Psoriasis include: Skin and tissue damage, systemic infection and disease, certain types of drugs and chemicals and stress. These areas of concern are addressed during your consultation.
The treatments for psoriasis or even a cure for psoriasis, are touted by many with little or no scientific evidence for their claims. The abundance of psoriasis creams, psoriasis home remedies, that too many unfortunate people have wasted good money on, is concerning to say the least. The product development and scientific studies undertaken by the medical research scientist Dr Tirant, give a sound platform to launch, the life changing protocols of the Good Skin Clinic.
We are making a real difference for thousands of skin disease sufferers, with all types of Psoriasis and with equal efficacy, whether it is scalp psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, guttate psoriasis, palmar psoriasis, anogenital psoriasis, plantar psoriasis, psoriatic nails, etc. and including assistance for psoriatic arthritis sufferers as well.